Board Meeting Information

December 11,  2024  5:30 PM
Crossroads Charter Academy
215 N. State St, Rm 2  (old Library next to gym)
Big Rapids, MI. 
Crossroads Charter Academy Board of Directors Meeting Location:
215 N. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
(231) 796-9041

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday evening of the month at 5:30p.m. in
Room 2 in the Central Office building. Some dates may be adjusted throughout the
year to accommodate board member schedules.

There is no July board meeting unless circumstances require. Any changes to the
schedule will be posted at both buildings at least 18 hours prior.
Americans with Disabilities Act note: Room 2 in the Central Office building is equipped
to provide accommodations to persons with disabilities, and the public is invited to
attend all meetings.

notice that a Meeting of the Crossroads Charter Academy Board of Directors Academic Committee is scheduled for:

                                    Date of Meeting:        December 5, 2024

Location:                    215 N State St, Big Rapids, MI 49307 (Old Library)

Time of Meeting:       9:00 A.M.  TIME CHANGED

                                    Telephone Number:  231-796-9041